The estimated scientific results of the project are:
1. New TCOs from vanadate-borate-phosphate systems obtained through conventional melt-quenching technique, 
2. New TCOs as thin films from new vanadate – borate – phosphate systems, obtained by sol-gel spin-coating deposition, 
3. New technique, through the sol-gel method, to obtain the vanadate – borate – phosphate new systems with electrical resistivity below 100 μΩ cm and optic transmission, 
4. Patent the design and development of TCO’s from these new vanadate-borate-phosphate materials.

       In Phase 1 of the project, all the proposed deliverables were achieved as follows.
i) Laboratory technology for obtaining transparent oxide conductors from novel vanadate-boron-phosphate systems (with and without dopants) with improved optoelectronic properties by conventional melt-subcooling technique was achieved. ZnO and WO3 were used as dopants.
ii) A paper was presented at an international conference to disseminate the results of the project.
iii) A report on the results obtained in the current phase was produced.
iv) A number of 2 compositional recipes for vanadate-boron-phosphate materials with improved properties have been produced: one for the undoped and one for the doped VBF system.
        Outcome indicators are one laboratory technology, two compositional recipes and one conference presentation. Dissemination was achieved by presenting the results at an international conference, publishing an article in an ISI indexed journal, area Q2.

        In Phase 2 of the project, all the proposed deliverables were achieved as follows.
(i) Laboratory technology for obtaining transparent oxide conductors from novel vanadate-boron-phosphate systems (with and without dopants) with improved optoelectronic properties by the sol-gel, spin-coating method was achieved. The dopants used were zinc oxide and tungsten oxide. 
(ii) A number of three compositional recipes for vanadate-boron-phosphate materials with improved properties were made: one for the undoped VBF system and two for the doped ones. 
(iii) Results were presented at 8 international conferences to disseminate the project results. (iv) A patent application was made based on the technology and products developed during the project implementation period. 
(v) The patent application was presented in 6 invention fairs where 9 awards were won (1 cup, WIIPA special award, 1 diploma from UPI CIB Serbia and 6 medals). 
(vi) The report of the phase with the results obtained during the implementation period of Phase 2 was produced.
      Outcome indicators are one laboratory technology, two compositional recipes, one conference presentation and one patent application. Dissemination was achieved by presenting results at international conferences, publishing articles in ISI indexed journals

        In Phase 3 of the project, activity A3.1, which involved the mechanical characterisation of the samples obtained in Activity A2.2 of Phase 2 of the project, was completed by the analyses carried out and presented in final report, which determined the mechanical properties of the obtained glasses. 
The dissemination of the project results were focused on the following directions: 
(i) scientific and public dissemination of the results will be achieved by 2 oral/poster presentations at international scientific events (conferences) and by 2 publications in Q1-Q2 scientific journals (ISI); 
(ii) a project website will be built; 
(iii) the research results of the project will be the subject of one patent.  

a)     ​Presentation of the results at international conferences:   
1.  5th International Conference Emerging Technologies in Materials Engineering (EMERGEMAT) 27-28 October 2022 - București, România, A.V. Filip, C.B. Dănescu, M. Eftimie, L. Boroica, A.M.I. Trefilov, V. Crăciun, B.A. Sava, “The conductive properties of a vanadate-borate-phosphate glass” (nr. 11) Top 1 - Materials for energy. 
2.  EUROINVENT-15th European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, 11-13.05.2023, Iasi, Romania, 2023, Ana Violeta Filip, Valentin Craciun, “Transparent Conductive Oxides from doped and undoped vanadate borate phosphate systems for photonic devices” – gold 
3.  ​International Exhibition of Scientific Research, Inventions and Innovations “Traian Vuia”, Timișoara, 15-17 june 2023, Ana Violeta Filip, Valentin Craciun, “Transparent Conductive Oxides from doped and undoped vanadate borate phosphate systems for photonic devices” – silver 
4.  The 27th International Exhibition of Inventions “INVENTICA 2023” Iași, Romania, 22-24 june 2023, Ana Violeta Filip, Valentin Craciun, “Transparent Conductive Oxides from doped and undoped vanadate borate phosphate systems for photonic devices” – gold 
5.  The 4th International Exhibition INVENTCOR, 14-16 september 2023, Deva, Romania, Ana Violeta Filip, Bogdan Alexandru Sava , Mihai Eftimie, Valentin Craciun, Vanado-boron-phosphate glasses with electrical properties and process for obtaining them (patent application A00484/2023) p.65–gold 
6.  ​International Exhibition of Scientific Research, Inventions and Innovations ProInvent 2023, XXI edition, 25-27 october 2023, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Ana Violeta Filip, Bogdan Alexandru Sava , Mihai Eftimie, Valentin Craciun, Vanado-boron-phosphate glasses with electrical properties and process for obtaining them (patent application A00484/2023) p.95 ISSN 3008-458X, Editura U.T.Press – gold 
7.  International conference on emerging technologies in materials engineering EmergeMAT 2023, 6th edition, 9-10 november Bucharest, Romania, A.V. Filip, V. Craciun, M. Eftimie, L.I. Toderascu, B. Bita, A.M. Banici, P. Garoi, A.M.I. Trefilov, L. Boroica, M. Elisa, I.C. Vasiliu, B.A. Sava, Thin film semiconductive glasses from V2O5 - B2O3 - P2O5 system, p. 44, ISSN 2602-0424, Ed. AVANMAT  
8.  The 15th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials, ICPAM-15, 19-26.11.2023, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, A.V. Filip, M. Eftimie, V. Craciun, L.I. Toderascu, B. Bita, A.M. Banici, P. Garoi, A.M.I. Trefilov, L. Boroica, B.A. Sava, Sol-Gel semiconducting thin films in V2O5-B2O3-P2O5 system, T1-P – short presentation 
9.  The International Specialised Exhibition INFOINVENT, XVIIIth edition, 22-24 november 2023, Chișinău, Moldova, Ana Violeta Filip, Bogdan Alexandru Sava , Mihai Eftimie, Valentin Craciun, Vanado-boron-phosphate glasses with electrical properties and process for obtaining them (A00484/2023) I.A.22 pg.43.

b)    Publications:  
1.  Q2 ISI journal: Ana Violeta Filip, Bogdan Alexandru Sava, Rares Victor Medianu, Lucica Boroica, Marius Catalin Dinca, Rovena Pascu, Nicolae Tigau, Andreea Andrei, Antoniu Moldovan, Marius Dumitru, Mihai Oane, Mihai Eftimie, Ultrathin Films of Silver by Magnetron Sputtering, Inorganics 2022, 10, 235. eISSN: 2304-6740,,  
2.  Q2 ISI journal: Mihai Eftimie, Ana Violeta Filip, Cristian Beniamim Danescu, Andrei Nitescu, Bogdan Alexandru Sava, Obtaining and conductive properties of a vanadate‑boratephosphate glass, Scientific Reports 2023, 13, 16054.;   
3.  Q1 paper in forthcoming publication: "Properties of the vanadate glasses from V2O5-B2O3-P2O5 system".     

c)      WEB:  

d)     ​Patent application:  
- „Sticle vanado-boro-fosfatice cu proprietăți electrice și procedeu de obținere a acestora/ Vanado-boron-phosphate glasses with electrical properties and process for obtaining them”, autori: Filip Ana Violeta, Sava Bogdan Alexandru, Eftimie Mihai, Craciun Valentin; nr. A/00484/05.09.2023; OSIM.    

e)    ​Medals and awards:
1.  EUROINVENT-15th European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, 11-13.05.2023, Iasi, Romania, 2023, Ana Violeta Filip, Valentin Craciun, “Transparent Conductive Oxides from doped and undoped vanadate borate phosphate systems for photonic devices” – silver 
2.  Salonul International de Invenții și Inovații “Traian Vuia”, Timișoara, 15-17 iunie 2023, Ana Violeta Filip, Valentin Craciun, “Transparent Conductive Oxides from doped and undoped vanadate borate phosphate systems for photonic devices” – medalie de argint  
3.  The 27th International Exhibition of Inventions “INVENTICA 2023” Iași, Romania,  22-24 iunie 2023, Ana Violeta Filip, Valentin Craciun, “Transparent Conductive Oxides from doped and undoped vanadate borate phosphate systems for photonic devices” – gold  
4. The 4th International Exhibition INVENTCOR, 14-16 september 2023, Deva, Romania, Ana Violeta Filip, Bogdan Alexandru Sava , Mihai Eftimie, Valentin Craciun, Vanado-boron-phosphate glasses with electrical properties and process for obtaining them (patent application A00484/2023) p.65 – gold  
5. UPI CIB Serbia Diploma, Centar za razvoj i primenu inovacija, Filip Ana Violeta, Sava Bogdan Alexandru, Eftimie Mihai, Craciun Valentin, ​Vanado-boron-phosphate glasses with electrical properties and process for obtaining them, nr. A/00484/05.09.2023, 4th International Exhibition InventCor, 14-16.09.2023 – Deva, Romania, p.65 
6. ICECHIM Award for Filip Ana Violeta, Sava Bogdan Alexandru, Eftimie Mihai, Craciun Valentin, ​Vanado-boron-phosphate glasses with electrical properties and process for obtaining them, 4th International Exhibition InventCor, 14-16.09.2023 – Deva, Romania, p.65.  
7.  WIIPA SPECIAL AWARD from World Invention Intellectual Property Associations, for Filip Ana Violeta, Sava Bogdan Alexandru, Eftimie Mihai, Craciun Valentin, ​Vanado-boron-phosphate glasses with electrical properties and process for obtaining them, 4th International Exhibition InventCor, 14-16.09.2023 – Deva, Romania, p.65.  
8. ​International Exhibition of Scientific Research, Innovation and Invention ProInvent 2023, XXI edition, 25-27 october 2023, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Ana Violeta Filip, Bogdan Alexandru Sava, Mihai Eftimie, Valentin Craciun, Vanado-boron-phosphate glasses with electrical properties and process for obtaining them (A00484/2023) p.95 ISSN 3008-458X, Editura U.T.Press – gold  
9. ​The International Specialised Exhibition Infoinvent, XVIIIth edition, 22-24.11.2023, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Ana Violeta Filip, Bogdan Alexandru Sava , Mihai Eftimie, Valentin Craciun, Vanado-boron-phosphate glasses with electrical properties and process for obtaining them (A00484/2023) – bronz, I.A.22 p.43